We have come up with some initiatives as a step to help the underprivelaged in our community



We will preach the gospel of Christ to widows, for the salvation of their souls, be it individually and or collectively. Thereafter, we will create job opportunities for widows who are qualified to work based on their academic or professional training. For those who are interested in business, we will help them to start their businesses by providing them with trainings and raising start-up capital for them. For those interested in going back to school, we will establish scholarship schemes to take care of their academic needs. For those interested in skilled labour, we will facilitate their training by partnering with training centers Widows will be enrolled into the above mentioned schemes based on their family and social status. In this way, those with children for example, will generate income to help their children have a better future. We will also establish partnerships with pastors’ wives for the follow up of these widows to ensure that they live, serve in their various capacities and raise their children in the fear of the Lord.